Cable routing ground mounted projects

Learn more about cables and trays/trenches in Virto.CAD.

    After stringing all cables need to be defined that run from the polarities to the different devices. This process starts with the placement of your devices.

    In the System config ribbon options can be found to place devices on the project.

    All of these can be placed on the project manually by using the normal “Insert” options. When selected a popup window will open showing you the available devices for that category. You can then select which ones you would like to place or select all to place all devices.

    This example is the insert window for transformers.

    Select the transformer, press OK and select a point where to place it.

    Afterwards you will also need to define the placement height as well as spacing between devices if you have selected multiple.

    For inverters, string cabinets and cable combiners there is also an option to place them automatically. This function provides the option to place these devices along the polarities or along trenches. For both of those the trench has to be drawn first.

    Trenches can be drawn in the “Cable&Civil” Ribbon. Select the cable you would like from the dropdown menu.

    Then select Trench path and start drawing the trench line.

    Select the first point and add multiple to shape your trench along your project.

    Make sure to really pas all strings so they can locate the trench automatically. The example on the left will not work where the one on the right will.

    After all devices have been placed and the trenches have been drawn from racks to inverters (Input DC) and inverters to LV cabinet/transformer (Low Voltage AC). You can start using our cable routing tool.

    Select the “Route Cables” option which will open a new window

    In this window you can automatically detect the trench for cables or manually select strings and assign them to a thrench.

    • Automatic: Simply select the maximum distance between the racks and trench allowed. If certain strings can’t find a trench in that range it will be indicated with an error including the string name.
    • Manual: With the manual option you can press the allocate button to start selecting strings and then press enter to select the trench the cables should be routed to. Now press enter again to reopen the window and you will see the amount of allocated strings.

    When pressing calculate the green bar will fill and a quick overview of the cables will be shown in the top part of the window. You can now press close as cable routing is complete.

    Now there will be visible connections on the project, from rack to the input DC trench and from the inverters to the low voltage AC trench. When viewed in a 3D perspective you will be able to see the cables really follow the terrain and drop into the trench before routing to the right devices. This way the cable distances are very accurate.

    You can now also use “Count cables in tray/trench” to manually count the amount of cables in a certain part of the trench.

    Select the option and place 2 points that intersect the trench and a number will be added that indicates the amount of cables in this part of the trench.


    Video Tutorial

    PDF Tutorial

    Ground - Trenches