Simulate yield

Learn how to do a yield simulation in Virto.MAX.

When adding modules to your project you’ll see an increase in this bar on the top of your screen. With each module the power and energy yield production will increase.


To modify this result there is a tab next to module layout called yield settings. Here you can adjust the settings and input values.

First, select the preferred solar radiation database from the drop down list and set an expected system loss you want to take into account.

Everything under the option PV electricity price will adjust the cost per kWh that will be shown in the yield simulation report when you press next in the bottom right corner.


Yield settingsvirtomax-back-next-2


In the Yield simulation section at the end you’ll be able to see a graph displaying the expected monthly energy output from the designed PV-system.

Another graph will show you the monthly in-plane irradiation. On the right of both graphs you can see the PV electricity cost based on the settings provided in the yield settings. 



Yield graphs