Virto.CAD Release 1.11.4

Release notes of Virto.CAD Release 1.11.4

New features and improvements

  • Single Line Diagram (SLD)

    • You can easily visualize your electrical elements.

  • Layer Manager
    • Manage all your Virto and custom layers effortlessly.

  • Van der Valk Integration

    • We’ve added a new API integration for the Van der Valk mounting system.

  • Cut-off layout option

    • Automatically trim racks at the edges of the boundary.

  • Array of Trees

    • Add a row of trees instead of adding them one by one. The UI of the trees parameters window has been reworked for better usability.

  • Summary Palette

    • A space is now added every three digits in the summary palette values.

    • The summary palette can now optionally display the module amount in each rack type, especially useful when the rack auto-trim option is used and there are many cut-off racks.

  • Import Drawing Elements

    • A new "Import from Drawing" button is added underneath the "Share Database" option to easily add entities from the drawing to the database.

  • Numbering

    • Support for North/South (N/S) and East/West (E/W) numbering is now available in all project configurations (SF, EW, Trackers).

  • Wiring Groups

    • The placement of wiring group names has been optimized for improved clarity.

  • Cable Trays

    • Cable tray routing has been improved to avoid unnecessary connections.

  • CPX

    • CPX is now known as PanelClaw.

Bug fixes

  • Irradiance Simulation

    • Fixed a bug related to performing irradiance on surfaces.

  • Rooftop

    • Resolved an issue where the 'Failed to place roofzone' error was falsely triggered.

  • Sunbeam

    • Supra: Fixed a bug where the ballast field shifted in the report.

    • Nova: Fixed a bug where the wind speed could not be fetched for Belgium

  • Mounting Systems

    • Fixed a bug where BoM/Report PDFs were not saved in the selected folder.

  • Layout
    • Fixed a bug where the copy grid (ground) was inaccurate, resulting in a row difference of ±2 mm.